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A-List Actresses Get To gether For THR Magazine Cover, Article, & PBS Special

THR Magazine rounded up a group of top actresses, 12 Years a Slave's Lupita Nyong'o, Emma Thompson (Saving Mr. Banks), Amy Adams (American Hustle, Her), Octavia Spencer (The Help, Murder, She Wrote) Oprah Winfrey (The Butler)  and Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman) all met up for a A-list actress round table.

The hour long conversation will air as a PBS special in December and features the actresses giving advice and talking about their ups and downs.

Whose career would you love to emulate?
NYONG'O: Hold on. (Takes a tissue.) When I was a little girl, the first time I thought I could be an actor was when I watched The Color Purple.
WINFREY: Oh my God, give me a tissue.
NYONG'O: I grew up in Kenya, and a lot of our programming was from all over the world, and we didn't see ourselves onscreen. It was very rare that you'd see people that look like me. And there was Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah and everything. It's so meaningful to be sitting here beside you.
WINFREY: It is equally meaningful for me.
All The Ladies Look Lovely and this def. will be an interesting program. Good Work Ladies!!! 

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