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Things I'm Loving: September!

Hey all! Glad you're here! Today on she is little she is fierce I'm going to be sharing my monthly favorites! It's CRAZY that September is already over. I feel it was gone in a blink of an eye! I've had a fairly busy month and have lots of favorites so without further adieu here we go!

1) IKEA Kallax shelving unit
If you've seen my Fall decor/Room tour post, and if you haven't you totally should, then you know that I recently purchased the IKEA Kallax shelving unit and am obsessed with it! I love the clean, chic-ness of it and how much space I have! It's definitely the focal point of my room and looks fabulous! 
2) Autumn
It's no secret around here that Autumn is my favorite season. I love everything about it. The food, fashion, colors, weather, decor, everything. So I've been loving getting out all my fall clothes and drinking lattes and everything all red and orange and chilly outside. It's fantastic! 

3) My 20th birthday
Earlier this month, the 13th to be exact, was my birthday! I turned 20 years old, the big 2-0, 2 decades old, no longer a teenager. Yup, I'm old now. Lol. I had a great birthday and celebrated with my family. My mom, brother and I wen to Mongolian BBQ as a pre-celebration lunch and then to the grand opening of the IKEA store where I live! That's when I picked up my Kallax shelves. You know you're getting old when you buy shelving as your gift to yourself..... Then on my birthday we went to lunch with my grandparents to this amazing Italian buffet restaurant. It's the best food ever and I totally ate my weight in food. I celebrated with my grandma on my mom's side who lives with us with a cake she bought. I didn't do anything huge but it was special to me. I enjoyed spending time with my family and that's all that matters. 

4) Ed Sheeran concert
If you didn't know I went to see Ed Sheeran at the beginning of this month and HOLY he was AMAZING! One of the best artists I've ever seen live. He has this amazing stage presence and his voice is angelic. I can't even describe how utterly perfect he was. Click here to see my full post about the concert with video clips too!

5) Buzz Beach Ball
Earlier this month I went to a one day music festival sponsored by one of my favorite local radio stations. The headliners were Weezer, Arctic Monkey's and the 1975. I freaked out when I saw that the 1975 were going to be coming here. They're my top artists I want to see live. I went with one of my friends Riley as she's an Arctic Monkey's friend and we both wanted to go but not alone. We also went with our friend Sarah. I'd never been to a concert that big before and let me tell you, HOLY CRAP. It was the most insane, crazy, awesome, exhilarating experience ever! My two favorite bands of the night were The Mowgli's and of course the 1975. Seeing the 1975 in concert is like a spiritual experience and it's like nothing I've ever experienced before! I have a full blog post about Buzz Beach Ball coming soon which will have more details and photos! Definitely a night I'll never forget.

Rain selfie!
The Mowgli's
AHH! I seriously only came for The 1975. Lol.

6) Shake It Off
I've been obsessed with T-Swift's new song. Like hardcore obsessed. I play it basically nonstop and totally white girl is out when it comes on the radio in my car. It's so catchy and upbeat and poppy and I love it. And if you haven't listened it yet for some unknown reason you can listen to it here! I loved it even more when a fraternity in Kentucky made a lip dub to the popstar's song. It's a funny parody to the song and the guys in it are pretty cute too. So it's a win- win. You can watch the video here

7) PostalPix app
I recently redecorated by room which I show in a blog post and some of my decor was my Instagram collage wall! I created this using my Instagram photos that I printed off from PostalPix. I have a post coming about this soon that will explain it in more detail!

8) Covert Affairs

Y'all know how I love my USA Network shows. I found this on Netflix and decided to give it a watch. Holy crap first episode and I'm OBSESSED. I end up watching the first season in like 3 days..... The show is about Annie Walker, played by Piper Pierbo, aka Nora Baker, aka Ashton Kutcher's love interest in Cheaper by the Dozen, who is a CIA trainee sent to work in the Domestic Protection Division as a field agent. She's met by August "Auggie" Anderson, a blind tech operative who guides her to her new life at the CIA and becomes her best friend. The show follows Annie and Auggie along with the other members at the DPD in their missions to make sure the US stays safe. I love this show for a lot of reasons; it's cute, funny, quirky, it's got action, drama, romance, comedy. It has it all. Plus I mean Auggie is hot so I mean you can't go wrong.  And he's shirtless quite a bit. 

9) How to Get Away with Murder

If you saw my Upcoming Fall TV/Movies post then you know this was a show that I was SUPER FREAKING EXCITED for. I have two words.... HOLY CRAP. I watched this the day after it aired and literally first 30 seconds I was HOOKED. It stars Viola Davis as Analise Keating, a lawyer/law professor who teachers a law class or like she calls it, how to get away with murder. The show follows her and her students as they learn about law in the classroom and outside of it as they help her with cases. The first episode had my jaw to the floor and I was squealing like a schoolgirl. I can't even explain so just go watch and we can fangirl about it together. (Watch it here) New favorite show for the season hands down.

Well those are all my favorites for this month! A muuuch longer post than August, haha! 

Hope you all enjoyed it! Tell me what your favorites were for the month of September in the comments or by tweeting me! :) 

Till next time! 

"these are a few of my favorite things"

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