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Top 3 Cuticle Oils / Butter

Hi guys ! Hope you had a great weekend . Mine was pretty busy, but still enjoyed the break.

Today I'm sharing my 3 Favourite Cuticle Oils / Creams with you guys. I always get a lot of questions to which products I use to keep my cuticles hydrated , and although I have a few more but THESE are my 3 Top ones I reach for the most on a day to day basis.  

Lush Lemon Flutter Cuticle Butter
This is a cult classic , and with good reason. This is my favourite cuticle butter / cream. You only use a TINY amount to cover all 10 fingers. ( My tub lasted me about 7/8 months ) This is quite greasy though, so I would recommend you use this just before bedtime or if you know you won't need to touch your phone / computer ect. It does a wonderful job of keeping cuticles hydrated.  And it smells like lemons... Yummy !

 Tip Top Cuticle Oil
This really is liquid gold,this is hands down one of my favourite cuticle oils . It's amazing to keep your cuticles hydrated,and keep hang nails at bay (It's one of the main reasons I love this cuticle oil so much ). Again as with the Lush Lemon Flutter, this is a cuticle oil I prefer before bedtime. 

Justine Tissue Oil Cuticle Treatment
This is my top pick from the bunch. Justine Tissue Oil Cuticle Treatment smells like the iconic Justine Tissue oil . This cuticle oil is super hydrating and gets absorbed SUPER quickly. This has really improved my cuticles a lot since I started using it about two months ago, and has since become a holy grail item for me. If your cuticles is super dry , I would recommend this one the most .. as you'll be able to see results within a day or two. 

What is YOUR favourite cuticle treatment to use ?

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